Costume Department

Busy, busy busy! I haven't done housework in two weeks but you can't really tell...I'm never there to make a mess! The last few nights I've been staying up later to knit, but my main projects are costumes for "White Christmas". So far I took out hems in a sports jacket and a pair of fatigue pants (Phil has long arms and legs) and I've three more dresses at home that need various little things done. On one black and white dress (it's reallll vintage, and I'm pretty sure it's homemade) I had to rehem it, and fix a sleeve that was basically hanging off, and a rip in the front. The problem is the fabric has basically disintegrated at the rip and the sleeve. The rip isn't very neatly darned, because if I tried to close the stitches it puckered. :( Fortunately it's just a stage costume. I don't think anyone could have seen the rip to begin with and I just wanted to stop it from spreading. I'm still working on the sleeve...I ...