Pink Pianther!
So, I got married. And moved. Into an apartment that did not come furnished with a piano.
Fortunately, we're on the first floor right next to the front door, so it wasn't too difficult to move the piano I found from the giver's house (two blocks away) to my living room.
Just one thing--the piano is a 1956 Everett, used to belong to the School District of Beloit, and came to me third- or forth-hand. There was animal dander, hair, pencil graffitti, and just a few decades of finger grease on it.
First I washed it twice with rags and dish soap. Then, I took an old toothbrush and vinegar water and scrubbed the keys--they felt so much better afterwards! No more sticky!
Two weeks later, my sister came over to help me paint. The day before, I had the piano tuner over, and he fixed it up and told me what parts can come off. So, I took out the panels and vacuumed inside (lotsa dust bunnies) and taped off whatever I didn't want painted. All together, I took off the front action cover, the bottom panel, and the lid. I wrapped the pedals in saran wrap.
Friday night, I did the first coat of paint by myself right after work, and let it dry. Later my sister came over and we did the second coat together. She's very experienced, and it went so much better with her there--I wouldn't want to do a project this big by myself. As it was, I couldn't use my kitchen for three days!
Saturday afternoon, I assembled the piano and touched up some spots that needed it. A part of the keyboard cover I didn't realize would show DID, and a few other little spots. But all in all, it turned out really cute!
Fortunately, we're on the first floor right next to the front door, so it wasn't too difficult to move the piano I found from the giver's house (two blocks away) to my living room.
Just one thing--the piano is a 1956 Everett, used to belong to the School District of Beloit, and came to me third- or forth-hand. There was animal dander, hair, pencil graffitti, and just a few decades of finger grease on it.
First I washed it twice with rags and dish soap. Then, I took an old toothbrush and vinegar water and scrubbed the keys--they felt so much better afterwards! No more sticky!
Two weeks later, my sister came over to help me paint. The day before, I had the piano tuner over, and he fixed it up and told me what parts can come off. So, I took out the panels and vacuumed inside (lotsa dust bunnies) and taped off whatever I didn't want painted. All together, I took off the front action cover, the bottom panel, and the lid. I wrapped the pedals in saran wrap.
Thursday night after work, we sanded it lightly and primed it with oil-based primer. We opened all the windows, opened the door to my apartment and propped open the outside door with a brick.
Saturday afternoon, I assembled the piano and touched up some spots that needed it. A part of the keyboard cover I didn't realize would show DID, and a few other little spots. But all in all, it turned out really cute!
My husband came home after a trip (free-lance EMS for a horse show) to find a pink piano and a very happy wife. We're not done yet--the front casters are missing, so I need to block it up in front, and I want to find an appropriate decal for the painted over "Everett" on the keyboard cover. It has a few lines from cheap-paint brush hairs on it (I never said I was a perfectionist!) --my mother-in-law suggested calling it "the Pink Pianther". Ba-dum-ba-dumm.....
Updates will continue!
Cost so far: about $50 for Royal latex paint in "Rose Petals", oil-based primer, el-cheapo brushes for oil-based products, frog tape, and a plastic drop sheet. I may buy knobs for the front, not sure yet.
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