Bad Seed

Greetings Lovely People!

The big question (for whoever ends up reading this blog) is why such the big gap? Did I not work on any projects? The answer is of course I did!

Since July of 2019, I was cast as Christine Penmark in MTG's "The Bad Seed", a 1950s horror-type play about a young mother whose world spirals out of control when she realizes there's something sinister about her 8-year-old daughter Rhoda. So, I was busy rehearsing my first lead role (!) until the show ran for the first two weekends of October.

Not only that, but I was busy with preparations for MTG's "Beauty and the Beast", which is scheduled to run the first two weekends of December. At first I was stage manager, but then I ended up helping play piano and rehearse with actors for their auditions, and I played piano for all the auditions, which were in August. Encouraged by an email to audition "just for the heck of it", I did. Never expecting to be cast, merely wanting feedback on a vocal audition, I auditioned for Lafou. Surprise! I got asked to read for Babette (the French-maid duster), for the Wardrobe twice, and on the last day, I was asked to read for Belle--twice! I was cast as Madame de la Grand Bouche, the opera star turned-wardrobe. I loved it! I loved being bombastic and loud as a contrast to my very dark role in "Bad Seed"

In ADDITION, I was helping a friend of mine deal with her own problems, and we needed an activity for her that she could do that would distract her and get her out of the house. So, I took on additional responsibility as wardrobe coordinator for "Beauty and the Beast". All of this while "Bad Seed" was going on! I was at the theater sometimes five nights a week. It became a second life, a second job. Eventually, something had to give--and it was "Beauty". After "Bad Seed" closed, I resigned from my roles, wrote my thank you notes and delivered flowers to the director. I left a hole but they were able to recast my role fairly quickly and it seems costumes are getting along quite nicely.

As for me? I hadn't realized how much free time I had been giving up until I suddenly got it all back. Stay tuned for more projects posts!  I've been staying at home, doing housework and handicrafts, reading, and going to the gym. After having being involved in every show MTG has done for the last twelve months, I think I deserve me time. Here's hoping I am up to more theatre in the new year.

Cost: My sleep, my other hobbies, my home life, my sanity.


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