Project Finish-Up!

It's always a joy when you're able to clean a stack of projects out of your UFO pile. Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth pulled, and so today I was about to sit still and do a bit of work! First off is this knit lace blanket. I made it as a replacement for a knit blanket I made for a nephew of a friend of mine. When I ran into the mother last summer, I asked how Henry liked his blanket--and she said "oh he loves it!... He chewed a hole through it..." So of course I had to make a new one! It's a gift...a part of my heirloom guarantee I guess haha! I just feel so bad that I knit the original too loosely and that just wasn't a good plan with a small child who likes to pull things. Next I started making a crocheted blanket, also to go to Henry. This will be much more durable... Maybe the knit blanket will be put aside until he's older. Then, I made a small granny-square baby blanket the leftovers--I love using up all my odds and ends. This one I...