Throwback Post: Spice Rack

Ever since we moved into our lovely apartment, I knew the empty space over the kitchen sink needed SOMETHING. In a house, it would be a window. In our cave of a kitchen with my spice bottles stored on the counter, it was a spice rack! Cue the "Mission Impossible" theme as I searched online for a suitable candidate. And searched. And searched. I quickly learned that for someone who wanted only a shelf to house her own spice collection (plus knicknacks) and not a pre-arranged counter set, this was going to be difficult. And expensive. The type of rack I wanted--the cheapest one I thought--was a simple wooden rectangle with shelves. Nope. Every shelf option that was reasonably priced was for counter storage, sized with accompanying bottles I didn't like, with guard rails (so I couldn't show off my knicknacks) or too small for the space. If I found one that kinda-sorta was like what I wanted, it was on Etsy for over $60! NO THANKS. I went to Menards and bought two of th...