Building A Good Reputation In Community Theater
Are you new to the world of community theater? Here are some tips to help you become the actor everyone loves to work with. All these lessons I have learned myself through making mistakes or watching someone else do so. So, from one newbie to another: Arrive Early. I have my own struggles with this rule—I always seem to be 3-5 minutes late for everything! If that’s what happens to you, leave half an hour early. If you're going to be late, text the designated manager/director and give them a reason and an ETA. Shoot to get there 15-20 minutes early, then you have time to go back for your script, car keys, charger, water bottle, etc. Speaking of…. Bring A Water Bottle . This is just a good practice. You don’t have to get up and leave if you’re thirsty, and miss out on instruction or disturb those trying to focus. Eleven million points to Gyffindor if it’s eco-friendly! No Open Containers. A personal rule of mine. That includes the little straw-tumblers. If you can...