Ghosts of Projects Past

A few months ago, I bought six pounds of grey wool roving, intending to make a super-chunky knit blanket, al la pinterest. I researched the process, and several bloggers insisted that it was possibly to use roving instead of the very expensive super chunky yarn, by "lightly felting" the roving in the bathtub. I saw the pictures of cozy stay-at-home moms and their lovely blankets. "and I spake unto myself saying...I couldst do that".... Well, let me tell you. Six pounds of wool roving wet is closer to fifty pounds of wool roving. Wet wool roving smells like a herd of non-too clean sheep. And once it's dry, it still smells like sheep and it's not fluffy enough to justify the work to knit a giant blanket. Besides all of that, despite being slightly matted and less shed-y, it still didn't look very tough. So, I told the person I was going to make it for that the project fell through. She was super nice, and I wouldn't let her pay me for th...